Smell The Glove

It's been a while since my last post, right?! I'd love to say that I've been hard at work with some major super duper crafty magic up my sleeves but it would be one great white whale of a fib. I did manage to finish my final piece for Unit 2 of my Mixed Media Art course:
Since I had no idea what I was doing I think I am happy with it.

Today I decided to have a selfish crafting day and made a couple of things for myself! WOAH NOW
Pom Pommes Frites
A new cushion cover featuring Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham and pom pom trim! The Dr. Seuss fabric was from Abakhan and the pom pom trim was from Fabric Land.
I also made this swede punk rock Toilet Boys oven glove:
Glove of Love
This was my first ever attempt at making an oven glove so I'm quite pumped with the result. I decided to use the Toilet Boys denim (from The Fabric Fairy) as I have a lot of it and I figured it would be hard-wearing. The heat proof wadding, lining and everything else came from Fabric Land. Basically, I drew around my old glove (remembering to include a seam allowance), cut 2 each of denim, wadding and lining and then sandwiched it all together and sewed! Then I used scraps of binding tape to trim the raw edges (which went a bit wonky but nevermind).

Sesame Street was brought to you today by Star Wars, reggae, reggae and more reggae and mashed potatoes.


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