American Museum in Britain
Today's post is a little different than usual because I'm writing about something other than myself! On Wednesday I went with family to visit the American Museum in Britain; I was given a National Art Pass for Christmas and am trying to utilise it as much as possible - the AMiB is one of their places. whut meeee The fancy gardens are being worked on at the moment so we didn't get to see a lot of those which was a shame. I did spot this rather lovely Art Deco-ey sculpture thingy though, which is maybe some kind of sundial...? My favourite parts were the Native American costume, with all its colours and patterns: And the Room of Many Quilts, especially this Thistle-Disguised-As-A-Pineapple quilt: is it a thistle? is it a pineapple? you decide And then I spotted a few hidden gems too such as this skull in a frieze: Wallpaper that understands and celebrates the glory of corn: Aaaand a quilted horsey! There was of course lots more things to see ...