Libraries Week and Trees!

I'm not usually much of a Christmas person (I'm more interested in Halloween), but now and then I have a flash of festive inspiration and this month it involved Christmas Trees! More specifically my Christmas Tree cards, which I designed and hand printed and are now available in my Etsy shop : If you love them so much that you want to buy three or more, you can use the code PUMPKINS at checkout for a 15% discount for a limited time only! Earlier in the month it was Libraries Week and I had the absolute pleasure of making bookmarks and decorating bookworms with the kids at Corfe Mullen Library. Here are some of their fab looking creations: As you might be able to ascertain from the photos, we made collaged bookmarks out of old (discarded) books (not new books, we don't cut up those) and yet again the children outdid themselves with their creative ideas; some wanted to add feathers and long looping ribbons to their bookmarks and there were googly eyes galore. Fun was had by e...