This week I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that this might be my last 'Volunteering at Walford Mill' post because I won't be a volunteer any more. The good news is that that's because I'm going to be a proper paid member of the team really soon! Yippee! This is great news for me since I've spent the last three years working on my degree in order to get a foot in the creative world's door; and following graduation I didn't have much luck with job applications which made me feel very lost indeed. I knew I didn't want to work in London, or for some big fatcat corporation, so finding a small, local gallery focussed on craft and education was perfect for me. Education is really important to me; as a mature student who's enrolled on many a part-time short course over the last ten years I am a huge advocate of learning. It's all part of growing and 'bettering' oneself after all! In my new Mill job I'll be helping with the education / workshop side of things, working in the gallery shop and probably various other bits of bobs that pop up. As you can probably tell, I'm very excited and pleased.
Anyway that's quite enough of that! This week at the Mill I switched up our display cases at the doctor's surgery to try and make them look more Christmassy and fresh:
From this... |
 | this |
And this... |
 | this |
Think I'll keep working on my display skills! On Thursday we had our late night Christmas shopping opening, when we gave away free goody bags designed and printed by lovely Jennifer Vincent who is a goody in herself:
And also had complimentary mulled wine, mince pies and stollen bites, of which I had far too many. I wore my favourite doggy print dress and we all had a jolly good laugh at how fabulously I camouflaged with the
Heidi Warr ceramics:
That's me in the foreground wearing my greyhound frock... could you guess that I am a big fan of her work?!
In other news I learnt how to finish off the jewellery I've been creating with
Debby this week. This involves coating the jewels with liquid resin and carefully watching them like a mama bird watches her little eggys to make sure no harm comes to them, plus popping any pesky bubbles that may arise. Pop! Here's some pictures of them drying:
In real life they look even more spectacular and precious, and I was very pleased with them. The purple earrings (above) were definitely among my favourites on this day, although unfortunately it's hard to get a really good picture of the finished results!
That's it for this week, off I pop. Pop!
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