Repair Cafés at the Green and Thrifty Fortnight!

In February, I had the immense pleasure of being part of the Hampshire Libraries Green and Thrifty Fortnight as a touring Fabric Repair Café. This was an exciting challenge, as although I have been repairing mine and other people's clothes for years (with varying results), in this case anyone and anything could have turned up!

The idea was that I was to teach the people who came along how to mend the items themselves with drop in sessions and specific workshops; patching, darning and adjusting children's clothes. Many of the attendees already had some ideas about what they wanted to do so we workshopped those and I taught a few stitches, tips and tricks. I visited Basingstoke, Andover, Waterlooville, Bridgemary and Eastleigh libraries and we had some fantastic results at each one. Here are just a few of my favourite outcomes:

And of course I spent some of my down time wisely, by darning one of my own socks:

With 45 minutes for each workshop, it was more like speed repairing, but the lovely people who came along were all very pleased with their creations. As well they should be! Sure, none of the garments look perfect or new again, but if just putting a few stitches into a sock can extend it's life by a few more months, or even years, then everybody wins. Repairing your clothes (or other textiles) can also give you a sense of pride and achievement, and a talking point at parties!

Best of all, these workshops were completely free to attend, so don't forget to check out your local library - many of them offer a lot more than just books these days.

Bye for now!


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