Yesterday I was so excited about getting my Society6 shop up and running that I completely forgot to post about another thing I meant to write about. Last Friday we had a drawing class with Dan Heath for developing themes n stuff; which made a nice change as it's usually an all female year group with all female teachers [not that I have a problem with women of course, being one myself, but it's nice to hear a man's perspective every now and then]. I struggle with drawing days because I can be disheartened when what's on the paper isn't the same as what's in my brain, but by the end of this day I had produced something I really liked: Donald Trompe-l'Å“il It's a 3D heart made from photocopies of my work, stuffed inside, sewn around the edge and with stringys coming all out of it. It looks very Trompe-l'Å“il; a word I can spell but not pronounce, so don't ask me; and the scan sort of makes it looks like Trompe-l'Å“il within Trompe-l...