LS Lowry Cross Stitch - Progress Update #1

One of my favourite artists is LS Lowry and a few years ago I was given a wonderful gift of a cross-stitch kit featuring his 'Street Scene' [1935] painting. I've been working on it on and off in my limited leisure time since then and thought that I might start chronicling the progress via my blog in order to stay motivated and show off what I've done. The finished size is 32cm x 26cm, so avid cross-stitchers will understand what a big undertaking it it - but I'm determined to get it finished! Just to give you an idea of the time that goes into these types of projects here's a spot the difference for you: Yes I did put it on the ground And after several hours of work here's my progress: As you can see - not a huge amount of change but it's somewhat fulfilling to take these progress pictures when you are working on a bigger piece. Maybe I'm a slow stitcher?! I think I might be, but that makes it even more rewarding in the end! I'll keep updating a...