
Showing posts from September, 2012

Crafty Swappers

I'm taking part in some kind of huge online craft swap via Nelly's Treasures, ch-check it out: What's going down: The first three people to comment on this post will receive a little gift - something personal from me to you. Within 2 months I'll create something unique to share with the first three people to comment on this post. But in order to receive your present you have to play along. Spread the love on your own blog promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post. You get 72 hours to re-post, or I'll have to move on to the next person. Please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward. If you want to receive something unique from me in the mail and if you are willing to do the same for others, leave a comment below! Please leave your email address so that I can contact you directly! And blog URL so that I and others can visit your blog! Again, I want to emphasize that please only comme...

Shabby, Shabby... Shabby Chicy Cushions

Did you stay tuned in to find out what I'm doing with my textile samples?! Well last week I managed to rustle up some nifty ol' cushion covers: These were made from a couple of my screenprinted samples. Shabby chic to the maxtreme! The lacy edging is vintage which I managed to pick up from Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair a while back. It's got kind of an art deco design: While I think the rose design on the purple version reminds me of the Yorkshire Rose: Maybe?! Anyway, they're both over in my Folksy shop ! Also here's a picture of my work hanging up at Number 83 , just because! Proud like Mother Hen

Newifying Old Shoes

My lovely friend Kawaii Helen from Nelly's Treasures sent me link a few days ago to a tutorial for overhauling old penny loafers . Which excited me in my tummy department. Behold before: Behold after: Rawr Much more tinglifying I think? The only things I did differently from the tutorial was that I used a flocked/velvet/furry fabric that I had lying around (as opposed to felt) and I used this kind of UHU glue because I thought a) it might work better on patent leather b) it is transparent so if I get it all over my hands/shoes/face it's not too much of a big deal. You can hardly tell they're DIY'ed (unless you are kissing my shoes) and best of all this project took around 20 minutes, despite being slightly fiddly! And it's like having new shoes without having to pay for new shoes! Yessssssss! Made to the tunes of The Detroit Cobras - Baby!

Let's go Dutch

Herro, I'm not beating the bush around today, I'm hitting you hard and fast and now! Miffy got slimed! Goo goo muck Orrr Miffy got iced / frosted (if you're American) like a delicious cupcake. In bag form. If you like it so much that you want to eat it you can get it here . In the meantime have a very similar picture to the one you've already seen: Maybe now is a good time to tell you that I submitted two of my printed canvas' to Number 83 in Westbourne, Bournemouth: It's Tower Bridge! Tuppence a bag So the above are now available in there, and one of the lovely ladies who work there was kind enough to correct my ignorance that the former is not London Bridge as I have been calling it, but is in fact Tower Bridge! Oh Betty!

Fine Arty Farty Sea Dweller

Hello cyber space rangers! Remember a while ago I said I was pining to do more embroidery pieces like the days of yore? Well, I have been stitching long and hard for the last two days solid (not kidding) to bring you this fine work: I used the textile sample I was harping on about here . OK I know it's a little wonky at the bottom but I'm not re-doing it because I made it for me and I don't tend to mind if things aren't 'perfect' when they're for myself. The next step is probably to turn it into a cushion cover but for now have some more pictures as it stands: A long time ago, in a blog far far away... Aaaaand for fellow needle nerds; the back of my work: This post was inspired by Rice Krispies, not enough sleep and mix CDs!

Likers Gon' Like

You can now 'like' my Things (and see pictures of my Things all in one convenient place) over on Fakebook . Please also feel free to love, adore, cherish, admire and worship my Things.