Fine Arty Farty Sea Dweller

Hello cyber space rangers!
Remember a while ago I said I was pining to do more embroidery pieces like the days of yore? Well, I have been stitching long and hard for the last two days solid (not kidding) to bring you this fine work:
I used the textile sample I was harping on about here. OK I know it's a little wonky at the bottom but I'm not re-doing it because I made it for me and I don't tend to mind if things aren't 'perfect' when they're for myself. The next step is probably to turn it into a cushion cover but for now have some more pictures as it stands:
A long time ago, in a blog far far away...
Aaaaand for fellow needle nerds; the back of my work:

This post was inspired by Rice Krispies, not enough sleep and mix CDs!


  1. Very cool. I really like stitched text. I think it would look great framed too... if you decide against a pillow.

  2. Thank you! I also thought about framing it but have absolutely no wall space at the moment; it's still a possibility though.
    P.S. thanks for the follow!


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